Thursday, March 14, 2013


This winter here in Idaho was a brutal one. Cold...Cold...Cold. I really did not have too much of a desire to fish in sub zero temperatures so I have spent most of the winter at the bench. Luckily, spring has officially sprung and I am back to fishing. I have been making multiple trips to the Warm river lately in search of some hungry winter starved browns and rainbows. The first few trips Zach, Tyler and I mostly threw nymph rigs with great success. Rubber legs produced the majority of the fish, with the remainder wanting mostly egg patterns. After multiple double digit days, nymphing was beginning to bore me, so i switched to streamers. The fish got bigger and the takes were epic. Here are some of the fish from the past two weeks.

In the background is my new Redington rise reel. You all need one, its by far the best reel I own. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the change in seasons and the warmer weather that comes along with it!


  1. Some of those bows are beautiful. Are they wild out that way?

    1. Yes, most of those bows are wild. There are a good amount of planters, but the co
      loring and the white tipped fins will not be there on the planters.
